
Scholarships & Awards

Louis & Peaches Owen Fellowships for Professional Masters

The Louis & Peaches Owens Fellowship for Professional Masters is awarded to a Rice senior or junior engineering student pursuing an engineering professional master’s degree at the George R. Brown School of Engineering after graduation. Engineering students may apply for the fellowship before applying for admission into a professional master’s program, but must be accepted and enrolled in a professional master’s program at the George R. Brown School of Engineering in order to receive this award.

Amount: Half tuition for up to two semesters while the student is enrolled full-time in an engineering professional master’s program at Rice

Application Materials:

  • Applicants must submit a resume and the degree for which they plan to study
  • A one-page statement of what motivates them to seek a professional master’s degree
  • 1 letter of recommendation


  • Students must have completed their undergraduate degree and be enrolled full-time in an EPMP in order to receive this award.
  • Students are eligible to apply for this scholarship the academic term before enrolling full-time in a professional master’s program
  • Application deadline: February 15
  • How to apply: Spring 2023 Application

I-ACED Program

Improving Access to Career and Educational Development for Talented, Low-Income Students through the Flexible Internships-Research-Education Model (I-ACED) is a multi-institutional NSF-backed program integrating internships and research experiences to prepare students for careers in engineering and STEM fields.

This award will support students from low-income backgrounds seeking master’s degrees in engineering, computer science, mathematics and data science. Students will select from among disciplines in one of three technical tracks: biotechnology, sustainability and resilience, and digital twinning.

Learn more about the I-ACED Program.